Sorry, the Reclaim Restore Point Reyes site has been closed down.
FYI: The remainder of donations in RRPR account were dispersed to four organizations – Western Watersheds Project, Turtle Island Restoration Network (TIRN), Tuolumne River Trust and to ISI.
The first two organizations are actively involved in ending ranching in PRNS. TIRN, because it is now under the direction of Ken Bouley, is the most effective advocate for environmental conservation/restoration in west Marin. The gift to Tuolumne River Trust was in honor of Jerry Meral, a man without who’s assistance I would never have been able to achieve anything with RRPR – Jerry lives in west Marin.
The last quarter goes to ISI because they are an amazing organization working to incubate and support small non-profits, all fo which punch above their weight when it comes to making a difference.