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Instead of miles of fencing and acres of overgrazed, off limits land, how about free roaming elk and miles and mile of trails? Instead of ranches, how about campgrounds or educational facilities? Isn't that what our National Parks are supposed to be about?

There have been five mass extinction events on earth. Four were caused climate instability.  Billions of years of evolution  created an unimaginably intricate and infinite ecosystem, that, 10,000 years ago, managed to stabilize the climate. It is the flora and fauna in is natural state that gave us the stable climate that allowed human culture as we know it to thrive. Preserving, protecting and restoring the natural world is as important in mitigating climate change as is curbing greenhouse gas emissions.
PRNS is in an UNESCO designated world biosphere preserve. If you are going to protect natural lands, protecting biodiversity hot spots like PRNS is the top priority.  Phasing out ranching in PRNS is a complex and contentious issue. At PRRR we feel the the desperate state of our natural world should be the most important consideration.
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Rewilding Pt. Reyes


How did we get to this point?


Restoration and Reclamation
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